Tuesday, May 31, 2011

6 Ways to Manage Sideways

What is the most important relationship at the office? It just might be with your peers. Here are 6 ways to manage these sideways relationships and get ahead doing it.

6 Ways to Manage Sideways

Friday, May 27, 2011

What If You Had Unlimited Vacation?

What if you had unlimited paid vacation days? Would this be a good thing, or it would it just bring additional frustration, because who has time to take a day off work?

What If You Had Unlimited Vacation?

Can You Apply To The Same Job Twice?

Dear Evil HR Lady,

There is a great job with a great company that I am interested in and well qualified for. I took a lot of time to customize my resume and cover letter and applied for the job three weeks back but haven’t heard anything. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to network my way in so I had to use the company website to apply and it made you choose a desired salary (not even a range). I picked the midpoint of the range I thought was right for the job and my qualifications and hoped for the best.

Now, given some new information from someone I met who works for the company in a different location, I think I might have given too high of a figure and excluded myself from consideration. If it really is as great of a job as it sounds like I would work for less. What are your thoughts on applying again with a lower salary since the job is still posted? Will that look even worse if they see two exact resumes with different salaries or will the hiring manager never even realize that I submitted twice?

Part of what I am looking for is some insight into how in the world company HR sites work anyway. Are they big black holes that make decisions and spit out the best candidates based on a magical formula? Or do they just help organize the information and forward all resumes onto the hiring managers?

Can You Apply To The Same Job Twice?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sex in the Workplace

Nothing sells like sex. But, in the office, sex may lead to bigger problems than you bargained for.

Sex in the Workplace

Friday, May 20, 2011

Your “Rewards” Aren’t Appreciated By Your Employees

Are your employees not as engaged as you'd like them to be? Perhaps the rewards you're offering leave much to be desired. Here's what you're doing wrong and how to fix it.

Your “Rewards” Aren’t Appreciated By Your Employees

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Is the Resume Dead?

The internet is full of advice for making your resume better. People hire “experts” (who may or may not really be experts) to write and revise resumes. We fill them with key words so that we’ll get plucked out of obscurity by a computer. And what if all of this is a big waste of time?

Is the Resume Dead?

I Got Laid Off. What Does the Company Owe Me?

Dear Evil HR Lady,

I just got laid off. I had a signed agreement that the company reimburses tuition for grades of C or higher, but I’m in the middle of a class. Are they still required to pay it? What about relocation costs? My agreement was that I would have to repay if I quit in less than 2 years, and it’s only been 18 months. Are they going to come after me for that? How much severance should I expect?

I Got Laid Off. What Does the Company Owe Me?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Where I Ask You All for Advice

In the past few days I've had one person quote me without providing links back to the original article, and another take huge chunks of text (more than 50%) and print it on his blog.

Both of these practices bug me. Now, I write with the hope that more people will be exposed to my evil ideas so that in the future it will be easy for me to take over the world. (I'm opposed to anything messy, like coups, so mind control seems the better solution.)

Anyway, I sent an email to the guy who quoted (and vehemently disagreed with me) asking him to add a link and got a reply about since when I'd quoted him I linked in the 3rd paragraph (which was where I actually, you know, quoted him) he didn't think what he'd done was any different. He did add the link, though.

So, this morning I started to write an email to the guy who used over 50% of my post in his post, and then wondered if I've just gone off the deep end.

I know how critical it is to blog success to have people link to you and to link to other people. I always credit my sources with links, and if your blog directs me to another source and I quote that source, I'll put in a hat tip [blog where I learned about this] at the bottom of the article.

So, what think ye, brilliant readers? Should I say something or should I just be pleased that other bloggers are reading what I've written?

Why Lying is a Career Killer

My BNET Colleague, Penelope Trunk recently wrote a column titled Why Women Should Lie Even More Than They Do, in which she advised women to lie about everything from their height to their salary. She argues that lying just makes everything “fair.”

It may have been a little too long since Ms. Trunk worked in a normal office job, where you need coworkers to trust you, where HR departments run background checks and where people actually interview you in person.

To read more: Why Lying is a Career Killer

Friday, May 13, 2011

How To Fire a Toxic Employee

Dear Evil HR Lady,

Quick and dirty version, we have a long term employee that is soooo cranky! She talks down to people, demeans them, and everyone, even the executive director is afraid of her. Her superior attitude shuts down all discussion and we are actually supposed to be a really creative and collaborative organization.

I was just brought into the true seriousness of the issue and feel she should be let go. We have already lost 2 employees as a direct result of her, and the way she is tip-toed around makes our management look weak. We are meeting with her next week and putting on 30 day notice. It will be a surprise to her, because she feels she is the star employee of the organization.http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif

I’m wondering if you know of any resources to provide her with, rather than just telling her no one wants to work with her and she is severely impacting our ability run a successful organization. It’s pretty sucky to have to tell someone that they are just not liked. Are there any change your attitude type books or improvement programs you would recommend? I’m not patient enough to actually want to work on it, but the Exec director wants to be sure she is given every chance (which she already has been given, plus!).

How To Fire a Toxic Employee

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Can You Say No to Your Boss?

You're an accountant, so why is your boss asking you to unclog the kitchen sink? Or take over new hire orientation? Or.... Welcome to Extreme Multi-Tasking.

Can You Say No to Your Boss?

Monday, May 9, 2011

What Should I Expect When I’m Promoted?

Dear Evil HR Lady,

I’m in the process of finding a new job which will include a new title. I’m currently a Senior at my company, and will be looking to find a Manager position. How much of an increase should I expect to get for this bump up the ladder? Also how does cost of living factor in this? For example, if I’m currently in Austin, but moving to San Fransisco and the cost of living is 10% more, should I expect my new salary to reflect that increase? What should I look for in a relocation package? Should the new employer help me with the sale of my house? If they want you to start working before you’ve relocated, should they help pay for a temporary place?

What Should I Expect When I’m Promoted?

Friday, May 6, 2011

When You Should Suck Up To Your Boss

Really Suzanne, some of the dribble I’ve wasted my time on here doesn’t surprise me why & how you & most of the dolts I’ve made wealthy step on & get over . It’s know wonder this country is where its at, smelly lunch? Please…Why don’t you devote some time to why most everyone that gets ahead now days is a self serving a** kiss / con artist. Oh, I know, how to make a honest days work & keep your dignity / virginity. What ever happened to merit? Bla Bla Bla

When You Should Suck Up To Your Boss

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Workplace "Rights" That You Don't Have

You know your rights as an employee, right? In many cases, wrong. Here are some "rights" that actually don't exist. Find out what they are before you pitch your fit.

Workplace "Rights" That You Don't Have

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I’m Tired of People Wanting to Network With Me

Dear Evil HR Lady,

Will you please stop telling people to network in order to find jobs? I appreciate the need to keep in contact with former colleagues and to speak with people I meet at professional conferences. I know that I will some day want a new job and I hope my contacts will help me.

But, I’m happily employed. In fact, the problem is I have a good job with a good company. I swear everyone I’ve ever passed on the street has tried to get me to get them a job. If I worked with you in the past, it might make sense. But, just because your cousin is my next door neighbor, doesn’t mean you now have an “in” at my company.

I get LinkedIn requests from people I’ve never met, but they’ve seen my name along with my company, so they send a request. I’m tired of it. Tell people to stop. I feel guilty not helping these people, but I also refuse to recommend someone if I don’t know what kind of worker they are.

I'm Tired Of People Wanting to Network With Me

Monday, May 2, 2011

5 Signs That You're the Problem

You have bad luck. You keep getting fired, you never get the good projects, or you have really warped coworkers. Or maybe–just maybe–it’s not them, it’s you. Here are 5 ways to tell if you’re the problem.

5 Signs That You're the Problem