Monday, May 16, 2011

Where I Ask You All for Advice

In the past few days I've had one person quote me without providing links back to the original article, and another take huge chunks of text (more than 50%) and print it on his blog.

Both of these practices bug me. Now, I write with the hope that more people will be exposed to my evil ideas so that in the future it will be easy for me to take over the world. (I'm opposed to anything messy, like coups, so mind control seems the better solution.)

Anyway, I sent an email to the guy who quoted (and vehemently disagreed with me) asking him to add a link and got a reply about since when I'd quoted him I linked in the 3rd paragraph (which was where I actually, you know, quoted him) he didn't think what he'd done was any different. He did add the link, though.

So, this morning I started to write an email to the guy who used over 50% of my post in his post, and then wondered if I've just gone off the deep end.

I know how critical it is to blog success to have people link to you and to link to other people. I always credit my sources with links, and if your blog directs me to another source and I quote that source, I'll put in a hat tip [blog where I learned about this] at the bottom of the article.

So, what think ye, brilliant readers? Should I say something or should I just be pleased that other bloggers are reading what I've written?

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