Monday, September 6, 2010

Did I Ruin My Chance to get My Dream Job?

Dear Evil HR Lady.

There has recently been a posting for a position in my company that I am thinking about posting for. I sat down with the hiring manager (informally) in order to discuss not only the position, but also the department and how she views the company as a whole. I told her that I had some concerns about the position being too much of a side step for me, even though I am very interested in learning new things and thought that the direction the department was going was very interesting to me. I also asked her about other departments within the company and when she mentioned knowing someone involved in the decision making process for another posting I was interested in, asked her if she would be willing to let her know I was interested in speaking to her about it. I felt like the conversation went well, and she gave me a contact of another person in her department to talk to in order to help me make my decision on whether I wanted to move to that department.

All this happened before I found out that I am actually being considered for an assistant supervisory position in that department which I would ABSOLUTELY be interested in. I feel like had I known that that position even existed (it hasn’t been posted yet) let alone that I was being considered for it, I would have framed that conversation completely different. I certainly wouldn’t have asked her about the other position in a different department! What should I do!? Did I completely blow it?
Did I Ruin My Chance to get My Dream Job?

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