Monday, March 21, 2011

My Job is Awesome, But My Boss is a Jerk

Dear Evil HR Lady,

The company I work for is very small (6 of us in total including part-timers). The founder and my boss are also father and son respectively. My boss is a bully and true to your advice I have been trying to offset his negativity by rising above it, concentrating on the task at hand, and confronting him where necessary. However, nothing seems to help for very long. I have even started creating a log of all ‘misdemeanors’ in case I ever need to substantiate any claims. It would make for rather hilarious reading if it wasn’t happening to me.

I love my job - the work is great and I feel all the things I should feel when satisfied with the content of my day. It’s just I can’t seem to keep my boss happy. I do a universally accepted great job (customers all over the world send very positive feedback) and when it comes to appraisal time, he will nix all my efforts by something like (and this is genuine) forgetting the sellotape. He doesn’t communicate much, he engages in politicking, he tells half truths which I discover later when talking to other colleagues, he’s never on time for meetings and often just blows them off at the last minute, complains about everything under the sun when everyone else gives a glowing report, shifts the goalposts, undermines my authority (gives me responsibility, takes it away and dumps it back last minute if it’s not going well for me to pick up the pieces and clear his name), all my ideas are rubbish in his view… need I go on?

Please don’t ask me to update my CV and prepare to look for a new job - it really is a great job, I get a fab work-life balance as it’s a mile from my house, all my other colleagues are lovely and genuine, I have a fantastic rapport with all my customers and I am doing a great job earning money for the company. I just need to know how to handle my boss. It is a tricky situation, and I guess there’s no simple answer to the problem but I’m hoping you are able to enlighten me with some golden nuggets of wisdom.

My Job is Awesome, But My Boss is a Jerk

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