Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Best Hate E-mail yet

One of the problems of having a presence on the web with an easily accessible e-mail address is that you sometimes get creepy or weird e-mails. I'm not talking about all the Nigerian Princesses who need help getting their $10,000,000 or something. I'm talking about men who send me their opinion about my picture (umm, thanks?), and other such things.

Well, I got this fabulous e-mail that I thought I would share with y'all. I presume it was in response to this article, Swearing at Work, although the writer did not provide a link or the title in the e-mail.

It had a "few" naughty words in it that I've helpfully change to "squid lips" so as to maintain the G rated feeling of this blog.

First off you are flat out wrong. You don't swear, that's great. However, you do not see me passing judgment on your intelligence now do you? Do you see me going; "Oh such a clean mouth I bet she high maintenance or stuck-up."

I swear all the squid lips time and guess what; many people consider me intelligent. Are you seriously going to attempt to tell me that I don't have a rich vocabulary because I use words like "squid lips", "squid lips", "squid lips"? How about you fix your lack of understanding; I don't give a squid lip which words I use no matter how rich my vocabulary is. It's really that simple.

You need to educate yourself; your puritan belief system is nothing but non-sense.

Isn't that an awesome e-mail? I think the squid lips adds to it. And for the record, yes I think you've got problems. Anyone who doesn't "give a squid lip" when picking their words is going to end up looking silly. Sure, lots of intelligent people swear. A lot of intelligent people also do a bunch of other things that aren't that bright.

Go ahead and swear all you want, just don't expect me to be impressed or cowed into changing my opinion.

(Oh, and by the way, comments with bad words in them will be deleted. I only have the option to delete or keep, not edit, so if my e-mail writer comes to defend himself/herself please feel free to use squid lips instead of whatever word you don't think about, since word choice isn't important to you.)

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