Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Change is good for the soul

I've made some changes recently. First, I have a new new e-mail address. It's now.

Second, I feel a bit like Dobby, the house elf. You see, I'll be wanting paying for my work now. (Plus, my socks don't always match.) As such, I'm now on the BNET.Com career site. And they give me actual money. Weird, I know.

I promise not to have sold out, although if you start noticing me making references to how much I love CBS television shows, you should call me on it. CBS may be the parent company for BNET, but I'm still in Switzerland and, therefore, don't have CBS. And if I did, it would be in German, which just loses something. Although, I do have to say, the Simpsons are just as funny in German, if not more so. But, that's not a CBS show, so I think I'm not too sycophantic.

Never fear, I'll post links here, and I'll still keep some unique EHRL content here. But, it gives you one more place to warm your cold little HR hearts.

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