Thursday, August 21, 2008

Age Discrimination

Our friends over at Overlawyered write about the tale of a 63 year old woman who was terminated and then sued for age discrimination.

Yawn. I know you are thinking that this is about the most boring post ever. (Well, there was one that had a heated discussion about armpits...) It's not. And the reason it's not boring is the company this woman is suing, for age discrimination is...drum roll please...the AARP. That's right, the American Association of Retired Persons (or people--too lazy to look it up right now).

Geez Louise. I know nothing concerning this case. Nothing, so I'm not commenting on merit. I'm just commenting that either we should be aware because anyone can violate discrimination laws or we should be aware because no matter how much we do, you are always in danger of being sued.

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