Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Employer Branding Link with Adcorp, Australia

Employer branding has largely been an American and European phenomenon, often associated with the needs for organizations to compete in the market for talent and to engage more fully the talent they have at their disposal. However, in our opinion this topic it is not well enough researched for practitioners; most of the current writing and case work is a little light on evaluation/ analysis and heavy on simple messages, 'silver bullets' or bullet points. Professional HR bodies such as the CIPD have been active in helping investigate this phenonenon more deeply, further evidenced by a recent call for research into the impact of mergers and acquisitions on employer branding.

There is even less written about this subject in an Asian context, however; though we have contributed to an Indian book on the subject and have recently signed a memorandum of agreement to set up a joint venture in China on employer branding and reputation management with a leading university, recruitment consultancy and TV channel (more on this development in a forthcoming blog).

So, given the Asian connections, and Australia's ambitions in this region, we are pleased to announce that we are working with Adcorp, a leading Australian employment communications agency, to run a series of one-day master classes, breakfast meetings and luncheons in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney between November 17th-21st of this year. These master classes will focus on strategic HR and its links with employer branding, corporate reputation management and leadership branding, and will draw on our recent case study research and our most recent publications in these fields.

Anyone interested in attending these events should contact Tim Grogan from Adcorp timgrogan@adcorp.com.au, who is leading this initiative.

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